Sunday, February 27, 2011

hello baby(s)

Here's the candle we lit in the Santa Cruz Basilica, Fort Kochin for all the expectant mum's we'd left nesting eggs back home. Wishing a very warm welcome then to Bess Ewing Hardwicke, little sister to Winne, and James Hovee Howes, little brother to Bess...hmm this could get confusing. Hope mums and dads and little ones are all doing well.


  1. Ahh, what a lovely gesture! Congrats to the mummies and daddies. We've got our own to add to the list - our good friends Ritchie and Jenny gave birth to Jack on 26th Feb, weighing in at 8lbs 11oz. He's gorgeous, can't wait for a cuddle!

    Hope you two are enjoying Udaipur and that you're over the tum trouble sis. Love to you both, Ju xx

  2. Thanks guys - that's lovely. What a pretty shrine. Comgrats to the Hardwicke's too. Ruth, Mike, Bess and James xx
